WHY FRANCE CANNOT COLONISE.* " Tins is all very well, gentlemen," said Napoleon to his Generals, after the crowning victory of Austerlitz, " but it is not enough. We must have......
A Translation From Victor Hugo.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. "] SIR,—The translator of Victor Hugo's beautiful verse, in your issue of September 19th, scarcely respects his original text suffi- ciently. I......
A Correction.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " EIPECTATOR."] Sin,—In the Spectator of September 19th you quote from Mr. Macgregor's poems about Brazil the expression, " God-feeding cacao plants,"......
VICTOR HUGO'S VERSE. SoYoNs comme l'oiseau pose pour an instant Sur des rameaux trop freles ; Qui sent trembler la branche, mais qui chant pourtant, Sachant gull a des ailes.......