In Sir James Hudson, Who Died On Sunday At Strasburg,
England loses a good servant and Italy the most devoted of friends. Familiar with Courts, an easy man of the world, and a finished diplomatist, Sir James had in him the passion......
The Landlords Of Ireland, Outside Ulster, Are Becoming...
They say that this winter rents will not be paid without evictions, and that evictions will be impossible through the strength of the National League. The Committees affiliated......
The French Occupation Of Anam Does Not Secure Much Order.
The Superior of Foreign Missions in Paris states that during the summer the natives rose against the missionaries and their converts in all parts of the country, and massacred......
Mr. A. C. Plowden, The Revising Barrister At Oxford, In
a judgment the lucidity and force of which will greatly raise his standing in his profession, has decided that the new Registra- tion. Act does not of itself enable......
The Paris Correspondent Of The Daily Yews Declares That The
problem of steering a balloon has at length been solved. Two aeronauts, MM. Renard and Krebs, ascended on Tuesday and Wednesday, and in the presence of the Minister of War......
We Regret Exceedingly To Record The Death Of Principal...
of St. Andrews, Professor of Poetry at Oxford, and one of the best critics Scotland has produced. He had a most sensitively delicate appreciation of poetry, and many of his......
An International Congress Of Freethinkers, Now Sitting At...
passed a resolution declaring that " Moral responsibility does not exist; but society has a right to guard itself against criminals and madmen." That is the first time, we......
Mr. Stanhope At Gateshead Was Equally Vague. After A Few
sharp sentences condemning the Liberal vacillations in Egypt, and a declaration that Lord Salisbury would not leave that country until the ends of its occupation had been......
Bank Rate, 2 Per Cent.
Consols were on Friday 99ffr to 9911.......