27 APRIL 1907, page 14
The Thames From Chelsea To The Nore. By Thomas R
Way and Walter G. BelL (John Lane. 42a. net.)—We have lately had several books about the Thames, but none in which the lower course of the river is more graphically pictured.......
The Gate Of Death: A Diary. (smith, Elder, And Co.
78. 6d. net.) —This is a very striking book. It describes with extreme minute- ness the mental and physical sensations of the author as he approaches "the gate of death." The......
The Old Roof-tree.
The Old Roof-Tree: Letters of Ishbel to her Half-Brother, Mark Latimer. (Longmans and Co. 5s. net.)—Something of an intro- duction to tell us the point of view from which "......