The Colonial Premiers Were Entertained At Luncheon On...
the Houses of Parliament in Westminster Hall. Sir Henry Campbell-Bannernian, who presided, welcomed the Premiers in a cordial speech in which he declared that there was neither......
From A Summary Of The Discussions Which Preceded The...
of the resolution it appears that the abandonment of an Imperial Council (i.e., a body formed of the present members plus a permanent Imperial Civil Committee). and the limiting......
Mr. Balfour's Speech, Except For The Passage Which We Have
dealt with at length in a leading article, was one of the ablest and weightiest be has delivered this Session. Specially excellent was his defence of the Militia. Do not let us,......
The Debate On The Army Bill Was Resumed On Tuesday,
when Mr. Ramsay Macdonald, the Labour M.P. for Leicester, criticised Mr. Haldane's scheme in a speech of very great ability. The Labour Party, he declared, were not in favour of......
The Official Report Of The Proceedings Of The Imperial Con-
ference issued on Monday announced that a resolution bad been unanimously adopted with regard to the style and con- stitution of the Conference and the establishment of a......
The Mention Of The Descendant Of Confucius Recalls The...
passage in Gibbon's autobiography in which the historian declares that "the family of Confucius is, in my opinion, the noblest upon earth. Seventy authentic genera- tions have......
We Do Not Of Course Agree With The Spirit Of
Mr. Ramsay Macdonald's criticisms, and we think that his references to what he called conscription were particularly unfair, for ho should surely know that no one advocates......