The Convict Controversy.
TWENTY years ago, we had to go through the task first of study- ing and then of exposing the, wickedness and folly of convict transportation. The exposure succeeded in......
De Bello Persico.
- WHATEVER the newspaper discussion may have done towards making Herat and Persia, Barrack and Bushire, household words, it has not contributed the information required as to......
"le Chevalier De Chatelain" Complains To The Times....
an Englishwoman, he became naturalized in 1848, and has since exer- cised all the rights of a British subject. Yet he receives the following letter from the Home Office. "......
New Paris Fashions.
AMONG the important items of news from the Continent is one that will flutter many a dovecot : the hoop and all its congeners are to be abolished, and the bonnet is so far to be......