60t 64tairts.
Boxing-day is situated so late in the week that it forces our Christmas chronicle into the brevity of a prophecy. Boxing-day is situated so late in the week that it forces our......
Itttrrs To Of &atm . .
PROGRESS BACKWARDS. Long Ashton, Somerset, 18th _December 1856. SIR—Taking for a text my letter entitled a " Mission to the Laity," you lately offered some suggestions for the......
Literary Gossip Prom Bavaria.
_Munich, 20th December 1856. A collection of verse that has just appeared under the title of the Man- chener Album would lead us to suppose that all the nine Muses were resi-......
Parisian Tansaltices.s.
The holiday season is dramatically indicated at Paris by the pro- duction at the "irarietes of La Lanterne Magique, one of those revues that have its France the same......
Sacred Music—mrs. Siinderla_nd.
Among the many performances of The Messiah appropriately given at this Christmas season, there was one by the London Sacred Harmonic Society, on Monday evening, at Exeter Hall,......
Money Market.
STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY AFTERNOON'. Owing to •the general absence of dealers, this, as usual, hatt,teen an un- important week upon - the - Stock Exchange. The dispute between......