The Useful Trees Of Northern Nigeria. By H. V. Lely.
(Crown - Agents for the Colonies. 10s.) This octavo volume of one-hundred and twenty-seven pages and the same number of illustrations, while not of interest to the general......
Willing's Press Guide (james Willing, Ltd. 2s. Ild.) Has...
its 53rd year of publication, and needs only to be mentioned to those interested in newspapers as a trustworthy guide to the Press of the world.......
Some Reference Books
Europa Year Book for 1926. (Routledge. 15s.) The great need of our time is light and more light on the facts of the world we live in. Europa is a remarkably well-planned survey......
PROBLEMS OP THE FUTURE Let Loose. By HI. E. L. Mellersh. (Selwyn and Blount. 7s. 6d. Lim being anything but perfect to-day, to-morrow or after to-morrow cannot but be better,......
Modern Turkey. By E. Grinnell Mears. (macmillan. 25s.)...
racial pride of the Turks, out of which Mustafa Kemal Pasha is forging a new nation on the anvil of adversity, has naturally enough been but lightly touched on in a work of this......
A Fleet Street Family
The Plunge of the -Paddington. By Ewan Agneiv;. (Hodder and Stoughton. 7s. 6d.) Ix a moment of jubilation, full-blooded old Mr. 'Rigby Paddington sent a copy of his newspaper,......
Stereoscopic Photography. .. Its Application To Science,...
By Arthur W. Judge. (Chapman and Hall. 15s.) Flowers, clouds, mountains, gun-shot wounds in the foot, comets, the full moon and the processes of digestion can all be portrayed......
Successful Advertising. (smith's Advertising Agency. Los....
known for the good typography of their advertisenienta, and their book is to be recommended, because it contain( the maximum of practical information with the minimum of the......