We Hope That The Times Is Right In Saying That
there is really no need to be alarmed, as Sweden, a non-permanent member of the Council, is determined to vote against Poland, and the position is therefore safe since the vote......
M. Briand Has Deplored The " Orchestrated And Unseemly...
" over the proposal to include Poland—a reference to the British Press—but in our judgment the British Press has shown perfectly sound instincts. Surely, if there had been any......
News Of The Week
I T is unfortunately not yet possible to feel sure that the manoeuvre to make Poland a permanent member of the League Council simultaneously with the admission of Germany will......
* • To Return To The Birmingham Speech, Sir Austen
pointed out that enormous moral authority belonged to any decision of the Council and that it was therefore most important that it should never be the decision of a minority.......
There Has Been Talk Of Germany Being Reconciled To The
inclusion of Poland if the occupation of the Rhineland were modified. Such rumours are, of course, plausible, and the bait no doubt looks tempting, but we earnestly hope that no......
Editorial And Piibllsring Offices : 13 York Street,...
London, W.C.2.—A Subscription to the " Spectator" costs Thirty Shillings per annum, including postage, to any part of the world. Registered as a Newspaper. The Postage on this......