More Disarmament Proposals
The Conference itself has now ended its preliminary general discussion, the chief contribution in the past week being Germany's proposals. Their main lines were obvious.......
The Coming Tariff The Tariff Bill Should Gain The Lords'
assent in time for the new duties to come into force on Tuesday. Then the arguments that have been bandied to and fro for years will be put to the test of hard experience, but......
France And Britain At Geneva
The British Foreign :Minister's Muni to Geneva is welcome for other reasons. The Disarmament Confer- ence has presented contrasts not altogether favourable to Great Britain in......
The Farmer And The Loaf The Wheat Quota Act, When
it becomes an Act, may benefit the farmers' pockets, but it will certainly agitate their brains, judging by the text of the Bill that has just been published. The salient fact......
Progress In India
The Government of India, while the Consultative, Committee is still held up by the insoluble communal question, which it is now to refer to the British ! Government, is......
M. Tardieu Takes Over
The Tardieu administration, formed after M. Painleve had failed to constitute a Government to succeed M. Laval's, is, in fact, very like M. Laval's old Government over again.......
Hitler In The Field
President Hindenburg, standing for re-election, is to be opposed by the redoubtable Herr Hitler himself, provided there turns out to be no flaw about his German citizenship, as......