Poland, 1914-1931 -
By Robert Machray Mr. Robert Maehray's Poland, 1914-1931 (Allen and Unsvin„ 15s.), is the first complete survey of the history of Poland during and-Since the War. His uncritical......
The Modern Home
[We shall be pleased to reply to any enquiries arising from the articles we publish on the Modern Horne page. Enquiries should be addressed to the Editor * The SPECTATOR, 99......
The Last Two Volumes Of The Shakespeare Head Edition Of
Homer (The Whole Works of Homer. Translated by George Chapman, illustrated by John Farleigh, Basil Blackwell, Five volumes, £15 15s.) have appeared. This magnificent edition of......
Message Of Israel
By proft , SOT J-E- bleFadyea Them has lately been a marked revival of interest hr the spiritual aspect of Old Testament literature and a new appreci- ation of Rs enduring......
Current Literature
There is a saying aniongst the nomad $hiergiZ which runs: " Man must keep moving ; for, behold, sun, moon, stars, water, beast, bird, fish, all are in movement : it is but the......