Spiritual Tyranny.
[To THE EDITOR Or THE " SPECTATOR. "] Sia, — A railway journey through Ireland, from East to West, undertaken the other day, led to a curious train of reflections! The country......
Mr. W. B. Woodgate's Novel, "tandem."
[To THE EDITOR OP THE SPECTATOR"] Six,—I thank you for your kindly notice of my novel, " Tandem," in the Spectator of June 29th. I ask leave to point out that the main incident......
The Catholic Church And The "rights" Of Animals.
[To EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR." J STR,—I fear that Father John S. Vaughan only too correctly interprets the teaching of the Catholic Church on the question of the relations of......
[to The Editor Op The "spectator. " ] Sir,—as Rev. John...
is fond of quoting Newman, it will startle him no doubt to read the following passage which does bear upon vivisection, from Newman's "Sermon on the Crucifixion," republished in......
[to Tes Editor Op The " Spectator."] Ear,—as A Catholic
anti-vivisectionist, may I venture to express a word of doubt whether Cardinal Newman's defini- tion of cruelty, as given in the letter from Father John Vaughan, in the......
The Queen's Maries.
[To THE EDITOR or THE "SPECTATOR. "] SIE,—In your review of Mr. Courthope's "History of English Poetry," in the Spectator of July 20th, you notice his accept- ance of Professor......