The Irish Papers Are Full Of Stories Of Priestly...
and priestly intimidation at the elections. The Independent reports a strange scene in a chapel. A priest, who was reported in the course of the late Meath petition to have......
We Regret To Record The Death Of Dr. Thorold, Bishop
of Winchester, who had filled the See of Rochester and had done much good there before he was raised to the Bishopric of Winchester. He died at Farnham Castle on Thursday morn-......
Mr. Balfour Has Made Several Important Speeches During...
Speaking at Duns yesterday week in aid of his cousin's unsuccessful attempt to capture Berwickshire for the Unionist party, he remarked that Mr. Asquith and his colleagues "had......
Bank Rate, 2 Per Cent.
New Consols (2i) were on Friday, 107i.......
There Is A Curious. Telegram From The Tientsin Corre-...
of the Times in Thursday's paper. It: is to the effect that the Japanese are delaying the negotiations for a commercial treaty with China, and also for the execution of the......
On Friday Week Mr. Chamberlain Made An Important Speech In
North Worcestershire in support of Mr. Wilson, the Liberal Unionist candidate, who won so remarkable a success on the following Tuesday. The most significant portion of the......
The Royal Niger Company Held Its Annual Meeting On Friday
week. Sir George Goldie, the Governor, in his address, described "the campaign against the Company" carried on by the French Colonial party, and related how Captain Lugard......
On Saturday Last, In A Very Able Speech At Doncaster,
-Mr. Balfour declared that it was not till Mr. Gladstone had had seven years to meditate the changes he was anxious to make in his first great attempt to give Ireland Home-rule......