27 NOVEMBER 1926, page 2

The American State Department Has Been Prepa For Some Time

to call . Mexico sharply to order. This always a difficult _ thing to. do with effect, as Mexico .slippery and evasive, and unless a rebuke from Washing enjoys a good . Press at......

The Miners, By Their District Votes, Have Prevented Any...

framework from being saved in the coal settlement. Since their proposals were rejected the Government have said nothing more about either the general conditions to which it was......

* * * As For Improving Personal Contact Within The

Empire, the Report says that the representation whether in London or in the Dominion capitals, is a matter for future settlement on the understanding that whatever arrange-......

The Miners Are Rushing Back To Work Before Dist Settlements

have been signed or even framed. Wednesday more than 420,000 men were at no Nottinghamshire has broken entirely away from t Federation and has signed an agreement on its o......

The Military Conference Of The Chinese Northe Leaders At...

has resulted in a plan of camp against the Cantonese. The conference was attend by Chang Tso-lin (the Mukden War Lord), Sun Chu fang (the Shanghai War Lord who has recently......

* As Regards Foreign Affairs, It Is Urged That Any

Treaty made by a Dominion Government should be made in the name of the Head of that State. If the British Government makes a Treaty on behalf of some or all of the Dominions it......

* * * * Possibly In The End The Cantonese

may become formidable through increasing internal weakness The long-expected split between the Cantonese the Bolshevist habits of mind is beginning to ap The Cantonese would......

Each Dominion Government Will Have The Right To Advise The

Crown in all matters concerning the affairs of that Dominion. The British Government will no longer give advice to the King in opposition to the opinions of any Dominion. If......

The Next Step Was For The Executive To Decide What

the guiding principles should be. Last Saturday the Executive submitted to the Conference the following six points :— " (1) The method of ascertaining the district's percentage......