27 SEPTEMBER 1851, page 19
Fine Arts.
THE 1.HT-IINIO N Aisi) THU SOCIETY OP Ain& Amid the various means in operation or contemplation for the encou- ragement of art, our attention is just now engaged by two,—an......
Margoliovth's History Of The Jews In Great Britain. * The...
Moses Margoliouth somewhat miscalculated his powers when he attempted history. The diffuse gossip, the turn for minute facts, the egotistical though well-meaning garrulity,......
Publications Received.
BOOKS. I'he Lily and the &e; an Apolrgue of the Crystal Palace. By Samuel Warren, F.R.S. Le Morvan [a District in Prance,] its Wild Sports, Vineyards, and Forests; ilia.......