The Invasion Of Cuba Is Finally Suppressed. The Leader Has
been publicly executed ; the Cubans have evinced no sympathy with him or his followers ; the surviving Americans who embarked in the enterprise proclaim that they have been......
The Russian Autocrat Has Condescended To Give A Public Ex-
pression to his approbation of the efforts of the great German re- actionists. He has intimated to the reinstalled Diet of the Ger- man Confederation at Frankfort, the "......
Our Colonial Office And Its Agents In The Colonies,...
by the pressure of opinion to recognize the principle of local self- vernment, betray in all their applications of it the awkwardness - 7" o h s imperfectly acquainted with......
The Neapolitan Government Has Entered The Polemical...
opposed to the pamphlet of Mr. Gladstone a more bulky pamphlet. On the publio opinion of Europe this brochure does not appear, from what is yet known of its contents, likely to......
Int Alttrufolio.
The first Court of Common Council after the vacation was held on Thursday. Important business was done. The Committee of the Chair- men of Committees lately appointed to......
The American Minister has been visiting Ireland, and has expe- rienced a cordial reception throughout his progress. Yet not even the tad and bonhomie of Mr. Lam-rance have......