Letters To The Editor •
No Orchids Sm.—There is one point of view in the controversy over air farm that will not have come into Professor D. W. - Brogan's purview of the subject, and, indeed, does not......
American Slang
Sta.—Many will be amused by Mr. H. A. C. Evans's praiseworthy and prizeworthy rendering of current and obsolescent American' slang in Competition No. 92. But, in the interests,......
Apples For Market
sm,-4 was interested to read the letters on this subject. I know it is only natural that the housewife will buy the good clean fruit, even if it is imported, and refuse the......
English Books In Canada
SIR,-1 contend that English publishers and their agents in Toronto are charging too much in Canada for books printed in England. Messrs. Macmillan & Co. sell Smart's The Origin......
What Education Costs
SIR.—When our youngsters were at school (some twenty years ago in the case of the youngest) they made costumes for their plays with such assistance as they could get from......
Punctuation And Thought •
Sm.—" If you cannot punctuate you cannot think." Archbishop Temple's dictum, ziuoted by Janus, is interesting. Had his Grace been addressing an audience of clergy he might well......
Basic English
SIR,—As the headmaster of a large Indian secondary school, where the teaching of basic English has recently been introduced, with results that have been commended in the......
Burke And Hare
SIR,—Mr. Harold Nieolson writes "when Burke and Hare were hanged." Hare was not hanged ; he turned King's evidence and . was released, living for many years. Long after, a mob......