Out With The Gun
Fresh Woods. By lan Niall. Wood engravings by Barbara Greg. (Heinemann. ios. 6d.) IN a familiar passage Richard Jefferies has told how, after he had gone about with a gun almost......
The Poetry Of Robert Graves Poems And Satires, 1951. By
Robert Graves. (Cassell. 7s. 6d.) "A VOLUME of collected poems should form a sequence of the intenser moments of the poet's spiritual autobiography," writes Mr. Graves in the......
Wren And The Rest
The Age of Wren. By Ralph Dutton. (Batsford. 42s.) SINCE the bicentenary of Sir Christopher Wren's death came round in 1923, several biographies of the great architect have......
Mulai Ismail Black Sunrise. By Wilfrid Blunt. (methuen....
of the great qualities in historical writing is zest. Mr. Blunt's biography of Mulai Ismail, the seventeenth-century despot of Morocco, possesses this quality, as well as the......