Gas Bored
When I read the headline 'Wilson blames Tories for fuel crisis I groaned. Not because of the palpable absurdity of the accusation, nor even because we have come to expect a......
Spectator's Notebook
c VRIL MUSGRAVE doesn't like being pushed around. It has already emerged that, along with the three other Government-appointed direc- tors of Short Brothers and Harland, he is......
The Europe Britain Must Join
By JEAN LECANUET A the present di ffi cult phase in the building of a united Europe, Lord Gladwyn's The European Idea* comes as a brilliant, courageous and persuasive argument.......
The Third Man Jean Lecanuet Was The Surprise Success Of
the French presidential election campaign. coming from nowhere to take enough votes from the General to force him into a second ballot. Now, as head of a new party, the Centre......
M.d.(tel.) I Seem To Have Set A Cat Among The
physicians by my innocent commendation of telephonic consultations. No substitute for a physical examination, thunder the doctors. Maybe. But it's a great deal better than no......
Anomy A Reader Writes Taking Me To Task For Allowing
the SPECTATOR to launch a new with-it word- chiliastic. I see what he means, but on the whole I'm unabashed. Just as this year's fashions are the only way of killing last......
Scoop Of The Week With A Fine Impartiality, We Have
asked an MP from the Government benches, Desmond Donnelly, to succeed a member from the Oppo- sition benches, Charles Curran, as our commen- tator on the press for the next few......