The Irish Sickness.
[To THE EDITOR OF rnz " SPECTATOR."' SIR,—Surely no Peer of the Realm has ever turned the beauty of achievement to more inglorious purpose! The last para- graph of Lord......
Truth And Journalism.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Sza,—I suppose most people cherish ideals. May I present one, arising out of the review of Sir Charles Walston's book in your issue last week......
Letters To The Editor.
[Letters of the length of one of our leading paragraphs are often more read, and therefore more effective, than those which fill treble the space.] THE COAL INQUIRY. [To TEE......
The Class With Character.
[To ME Ear-OR Or THE "SPECTATOR.") do not wish to take up the valuable space of your paper unnecessarily, but I cannot refrain from expressing my delight at reading two letters......
The Public Services In India.—a Warning.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR.") Sis,—The views of the Government of India on the Montagu- Chelmsford Reform Scheme are given in extenso in its letter No. 1 of Mardi 5th,......