28 JUNE 1919, page 14


[TO TRE EDITOR OF THE " SPF.CTITOE."] SIR ,—Readers of the defence of Erastittnisna in Mr. Strachey's excellent papers on Church and State may be interested in the following......

" Tellln' Friends."

(To THE EDITOR, Or THE " SPECTILT011."3 Sur,-4 propos of Dr. Habberton Lulham's delightful poem in the Spectator of May 24th, I was chatting with a shrewd Yorkshirewoman the......

Englishwomen In Public-houses. (to Rim Editor Or The "...

wonder could you find space in your valuable paper for the following. I am an Englishman, and at the age of twenty- two I emigrated to America, and now after being away twenty-......

Keenest Anticipation, Mingled, However, With Fear And...

was it more difficult to secure accommodation, never have prices soared so high as in this victory year, when tens of thousands of our young wage-earners are anxiously hoping......

Artisans And Public School Boys. (to The Editor Or The

" SPECTATOR21 SIR,—The incident reported in the enclosed extract from Tues- day's Daily Mail furnishes proof of a gentlemanly and generous feeling on the part of the aircraft......

Museum Guides.

[To vris Rome or me " SPECTATOR.") SIR,—I read with much interest the article in your issue of April 12th on " Museum Guides.". I am a Londoner born, and more than half my life......