28 NOVEMBER 1863, page 2

The Long Contest About The New Site For St. Thomas's

Hospital has ended at last. The hospital is not to be carried into the country, or built on the site of Bethlehem, but to be erected at Stang Ito, on seven acres of ground to be......

The American War News Is Almost Nil. General Meade Has

again crossed the Rappahannock. On the 7th November he drove in the enemy's outposts at Rappahannock station, capturing, it is said, 2,000 prisoners, and now occupies Culpepper,......

The King Of Prussia Has Made One Concession To His

people. On the 20th inst., the Chamber, by a vote of 278 to 39—the first great party vote —declared the ordinances on the Press illegal and opposed to the Constitution. On the......

The Tribune Reports That A Plot Has Been Discovered In

Canada for seizing the Northern steamers on Lake Erie, attacking Sohn- son's Island, releasing the prisoners there, and with them attack- ing Buffalo. The plot appears to have......

The Act Passed Last Session To Permit The Appointment Of

Roman Catholic or Dissenting chaplains to gaols, at the discretion of the county magistrates, has already been carried into operation in some places. In Liverpool, a Roman......

Mr. Drury, The Rector Of Claydon, Suffolk, Has Been Fined

51., with the alternative of two months' imprisonment. This eccentric individual, who patronizes Brother Ignatius and other buttresses of the Church of Rome—buttresses, because......

The Crawley Court-martial Drags On, As It Will For Weeks

drag on, every day displaying more fully the ineptitude of such tri- bunals. On Thursday the Court actually listened to the hearsay report of the vague talk of a deceased......

Lord Clarence Paget Last Friday Took The Occasion Of The

elec- tion of a new mayor for Deal to make a speech to his constituents. He spoke, of course, of his own department, and said that in a few years all the sailors would be......

The Latest Intelligence From Japan Adds Another Annoy-...

our position there. A Frenchman has been killed, and the French Admiral is about to exact reparation. The British will join him, and a conjoint war on Japan seems to be daily......

Two Verdicts Have Been Passed This Week Against The...

of Bethnal Green, and two surgeons of eminence, one of them Dr. Letheby, have confirmed the worst statements of the condi- tion of Hollybush Place. The local vestry have,......

Mr. Seward Has Refused To Permit Recruiting In The United

States on behalf of the Government of Juarez, thereby vindicating the consistency of the American policy, which refused to permit England to recruit in the United States at the......

Guildford Has Still To Be Civilized. As Soon As The

soldiers were with- drawn , the roughs who infest the town recommenced their accustomed amusements—breaking the constables' windows, demanding money from Mr. Piper, the Mayor,......