Dr. Stanley Preaches His Farewell Sermon To The...
Oxfo d to morrow. No worthier son of the University as scholar, fellow, tutor, and prof.esor has left its walls in the last generation, and the liberals will find it hard indeed......
We Deeply Regret To Record The Premature Death Of Mr.
F. T. Conington, Fellow of Corpus Christi College, Oxford, some time scientific examiner in the University, and for the past three years one of the ablest contributors to our......
The Emperor Of The French Has Addressed A Curt Letter
to the Bishop of Arras,in answer to a present from that prelate of a reply to Renan's "Life of Jesus," entitled "Jesus eat Dieu." Whatever other of his uncle's ideas the Third......
At The Commencement Of The Week The Consol Market Was
firm and business was done at 93 cum div. for transfer. Prices, how- ever, have since declined. Nearly all Foreign Securities have been heavy ; but Railway Shares,......
But This Anxiety For Quiescence Is Not Limited To Oxford.
The new High Steward of Cambridge University, Earl Powis, who was installed on Tuesday as Lord Lyndhurst's successor, gave expression to a profound aspiration that Parliament......
The Tribune Reports That A Plot Has Been Discovered In
Canada for seizing the Northern steamers on Lake Erie, attacking Sohn- son's Island, releasing the prisoners there, and with them attack- ing Buffalo. The plot appears to have......
We Are Very Happy To Announce That Mr. Henry Fawcett,
of Trinity Hall, whose high claims to the Professorship of Political Economy in Cambridge we advocated some months ago, has been elected to the chair. The poll showed for Mr.......
Subjoined Is A Comparison Of Yesterday's Closing Prices...
leading Foreign Securities, compared with the latest quotations of Friday week :— Greek Do. Coupons .. Mexican .. Spanish Passive • • .. Do. Certificates Turkish 0 per Cents.,......
Captain Alexander Bowers, Of The Royal Naval Reserve, Has...
an exploit as important, if not as interesting, as the dis- covery of the source of the Nile. He has taken a thousand-ton aliip into the heart of China, ascending the Yang-tee......
Some Additions Have Been Made To The Supply Of Specie
in the Bank of France. It now amounts to 8,200,000/. Although bar silver has declined id. per ounce, and although the demand for bullion for export purposes has not been to say......
Lord Palmerston Has, It Seems, While In Office, Created...
Peers—Lords Wensleydale, Aveland, Lyons, Belper, Fermoy (Trish), Eversley, Ebury, Macaulay, Chesham, Llanover, Lyveden, Taunton, Westbury, Fitzhardinge, Seymour, Houghton,......
The Demand For Money, Both At The Bank Of England
and in Lombard Street, has fallen off, and the supply of capital on offer its the general discount market has increased. The minimum quotation for accommodation in Threadneedle......
The Egyptian Trading Company Are Making Advances To The...
of Egypt to the extent of 700,000/. About 550,000/. has already been despatched, and the remainder-150,000L—will be forwarded to Alexandria next week.......
Oxford, The Intellectual And Spiritual Mother Of So Many...
- heresies, has just given birth to a new and very strange aspiration for—orthodoxy we can scarcely say—but intellectual quiescence. It seems that at a large meeting of......