One Interchange In The Course Of The Last Meeting Has
a certain mathematical interest—at any rate, to a non-mathematician like myself. The questioner is the Chairman of the Committee, Sir Robert Young, the respondent the First......
The Heading " Laski Talks Too Much " Is Taken
from the New York Sun and quoted by the Daily Telegraph. It covers an article by the Sun's regular columnist beginning : " Since the Labourites have come to power Harold Laski......
No Doubt International Bodies Sometimes Want To Meet...
in London, but, as someone has pointed out, Paris, with the cost of living what it is known to be in that capital, is a strange place to choose for the World Trade Union......
The Select Committee On Procedure Now Sitting Has Drawn...
tion, momentarily at any rate, to an important and singularly able public servant of whom normally next to nothing is heard. Most people know that such an official as the Clerk......
It Would Be Useful To Know What Censorships Still Exist
and what have been withdrawn. By all accounts there is a good deal of with- drawing to be done yet. Two cases I have just heard of suggest that rather strongly. An officer in......
A Spectator 's Notebook
T HE fact that Mr. Isaacs is about to make a general statement on demobilisation will not save him from a fusillade of questions when the House of Commons reassembles on October......
The Fiat Issued By Various Luxury Restaurants In London That
in future diners not in evening dress will be excluded is a manifestation of offensive snobbery which ought to be countered in the most effec- tive way possible—by scrupulous......
Divided Europe?
A T a reception given in his honour on Tuesday evening M. Molotov declared that the main task of the Council of Foreign Ministers was to consolidate victory and secure lasting......