Titti Laws Against Gambling.
[To TIER EDITOR Or THE "SPECTATOR. " ] Sin, — May I supplement in one direction your interesting article on the laws against gambling? The present law is in a chaotic state of......
Mr. Gladstone And Tasmania.
[To THE EDITOR Or THE "SrEcTATOR.1 Szn,—" Inquirer" and " Onlooker" must be totally un- acquainted with Mr. Gladstone's speeches or they would at once have known where to find......
Mexico And The United States.
[TO THE EDITOR or T NZ "Brseraroa.'9 SIB, —Your article in the issue of April 22 nd on the present position of affairs in Mexico has reminded me of a " Report " made by the......
"an Organised Hypocrisy."
[To TEM Enrros or rxx " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—An interesting sidelight is thrown upon the unfortunate connection of certain members of the Rowntree and Cadbury families with the......
A Parliament For Ulster.
[To THE EDITOR or ma "SPECTATOR. "] SIR,—It is now plain that Mr. Redmond will accept a subor- dinate and tributary Parliament provided that the minority are handed over to the......
The Parltament Bill.
[To Tom EDITOR OF MR SPECTATOR."] SirE, — Does not your entire argument on what you call the "essential evil" of the Parliament Bill—the interregnum proposals—rest on the......