Mail-bag Thefts
Sm,—Janus, rommenting on the alleged theft by two little boys of mail-bags from a train in Portsmouth station, says it is a sobering thought that he, or anyone else, might do......
Sm,—it Is Useless Arguing About Prunes, As To Express A
dislike of them is an essential article in the creed of the food snob. Since food and travel snobbery go together, Janus's remarks on this subject are on a level with his......
Sirt,—Mr. Ian Stephens' article on " Delkaria " is interesting; but it would be of even greater interest to learn by what right the Hindu part of that sub-continent has......
Snt, — I Feel That Professor Brogan's Article In Your...
August 22nd calls for some comments from one who has recently spent a holiday " at the coast." I can gladden him with the information that there are three Duchesses on the......
Sir,—mr. Stephens Has Omitted One Possible Alternative To...
in my opinion has equal if not superior merits. That a new word h necessary for the sub-continent which once was India (without possibility of confusion) no one can doubt. Why......
The Conquest Of Death
Srit,—Dr. Geiringer has given us a thesis culminating in a hypothesis. Is not Mr. Pearson's " paean of triumph over death " a hypothesis ? Or Sir Thomas Browne's or Henry......
Prunophobes, Prunophiles
Snt,—The last word on prunes was written by Virginia Woolf in A Room of One's Own: "Prunes and custard," she wrote, describing dinner in hall at a women's college, " followed.......
Sm,—To answer Mr. Haigh's question I quote from the introduction to Professor Norbert Wiener's Cybernetics (John Wiley & Sons. 1948): " We have decided to call the entire WA of......