A Girl And Education
A Little Learning. By Winifred Peck. (Faber. 12s. 6d.) To be an elderly English gentlewoman is to have lived through a far longer period in the history of women's education than......
To Ensure Regular Receipt Of The
SPECTATOR readers are urged to place a firm order with their news-. agent or to take out a subscription. Newsagents cannot afford to take the risk of carrying stock, as unsold......
New Novels
THE first two books this week are written with exceptional honesty and absence of vulgarity, which gives them, at the very least, some quality sufficient for appreciative......
Ex Cathedra
The Theory of Economic Policy in English Classical Political Economy. By Lionel Robbins. (Macmillan. 15s.) IF the first duty of a professor is to profess then Lionel Robbins is......