29 JANUARY 1965, page 15

The Housewives' League

SIR,--I always enjoy reading the Spectator each week, but I did not enjoy the statement, 'If the Housewives' League were still with us, God forbid.' If Mr. Watkins lived in this......

Price Of A Drug

SIR.—ln your January 1 issue, Murray Kempton displays much of the tendency towards demagoguery that characterised the late Senator Kefauver, and little of the objectivity that......

Prophets Without Honour

SIR,—Public attention is now focused upon the critical controversy concerning the future of our aerospace industries. Employment of our gifted technologists and skilled......

Arts & Amusements

The Strain on the SaxophOne By HUMPHREY LYTTELTON A N agnostic friend of mine once put paid to a nat . ' argument about religion with this devastating comment: 'All I can say......