The Iggles Test
I DRAW Michael Heseltine's attention to the Lord Mayor of London and his cat. A true heir of Dick Whittington, Lord Mayor Paul Newall considered that when he moved into the......
. . . In The Dark
THE CONFUSION may be deep-seated. NZ/hen railways first came to Kent, the citi- zens of Canterbury insisted that their line to Whitstable must have a tunnel. No self- respecting......
Off The Rails And.. .
THE PEOPLE of Kent appear to be fright- ened of trains. Perhaps they have not noticed any, lately. I can see how it hap- pens. Crossing their county the other evening, I found......
All Things Invisible
NEXT WEEK the Lord Mayor (and, I hope, Iggles) will fling open the doors of the Mansion House to the bizarrely-named British ,Invisibles. It is 25 years since the Bank of......
City And Suburban
The Year of the Dog, or just a hair of the dog that bit us? CHRISTOPHER FILDES E very dog has its year, and last year it was the turn of that pedigree dog, the British......