Sir: There Is Nothin G New About Ri G Ht-wing Parties In...
havin g difficulties with `Back to Basics'. An epidemic of divorces amon g party leaders was the subject of discussions between Hitler and Goebbels in February 1937. Adolf 'Back......
Too Kind
Sir: Giles Auty is En g land's best art critic. His only weakness is an undue leniency towards modern art. P.R. Bonnett 16 Short Close, Downham Market, Norfolk......
Let Us Be
Sir: You are swampin g us with articles den- i g ratin g the Prime Minister. They make amusin g readin g , but there is one basic assumption at which I balk. You seem to take it......
A Gay Egg
Sir: I stron g ly suspect that some of my so- called 'farm fresh' e gg s are homosexual. This is because I have just read an article which says that nearly 10 per cent of all......
Letters Basic Nonsense
Sir: A fundamental tenet of `Back to Basics' seems to be that today's babe in a sin g le mother's arms is tomorrow's mu gg er, push- er, rapist or serial killer. We do not all......
Sir: Simon Heifer, an Essex man, may never have travelled on a no. 12 westwards to Shepherd's Bush, and thus not witnessed the bus-conductin g of Tony Severin MBE, whose g entle......
The Sussex Ripper
Sir: Arnold Butler (Letters, 22 January) reports that in Lowestoft Library Guardian readers are in the habit of cuttin g out items from it. Such crime has no boundaries. In the......
Plain And Able
Sir: Paul Johnson may well be correct about the failin g s of John Major, but it is both impolite and unfair to make jud g ments on our Prime Minister's brother (And another......
Back To School
Sir: Sir Harrison Birtwhistle was a recent contributor to Desert Island Discs (Radio 4, 21 January) and, while his choice of music was thought-provokin g , his choice of book......