Home Life
The way to Wales Alice Thomas Ellis I know the way to Wales. I'm not sure that I could find my way to Leicester Square unless I took a taxi, but I know the way to Wales because......
Trust the speaking voice P. J. Kavanagh T here used to be a feature in the Reader's Digest called 'The Most Un- forgettable Character I Have Met'. Perhaps there still is. The......
No. 1378: Ungallantry Set by Jaspistos: You are invited to write a poem (maximum 12 lines) beginning, like Leigh Hunt's famous one, 'Jenny kiss'd me when we met', but......
No. 1375: The Winners
Jaspistos reports: Competitors were asked for a Nutter's Short History of the World. I think G. K. Chesterton once said that the distinguishing mark of the lunatic is that he is......