Tyranny Of The Official Prison-keepers More Than He Can...
With two convict companions, therefore, he retires to a sylvan retreat discovered by accident on an island surrounded by a horrible swamp, and there he becomes the Claude Duval......
Nora Lester. By Anna Howarth. (smith, Elder, And Co. 6s.)
—Miss Howarth is at her best when describing thrilling adventures "by flood and field," and as we do not get to the Boer War till about the two hundred and thirtieth page of the......
The Decoy. By Francis Dana. (john Lane. 6s.)—tif The Decoy
the novel reviewer will have the rare pleasure of reading a book from cover to cover, not because he must, but because he enjoys it. Even if, as is the case with the present......
LOST PROPERTY.* Ma. PET'r RIDGE has, amongst other engaging qualities, a most agreeable way of falsifying the expectations of his critics. For a long time he confined himself to......