Tyranny Of The Official Prison-keepers More Than He Can...
With two convict companions, therefore, he retires to a sylvan retreat discovered by accident on an island surrounded by a horrible swamp, and there he becomes the Claude Duval......
Mistress Barbara Cunliffe. By Halliwell Sutcliffe. (t....
in. 6s.)—In Mistress Barbara Cunliffe Mr. Halliwell Sutcliffe carries his readers back to the day when the " cry of the children " in the Lancashire mills was still a living......
C Urrent Literature.
ALFRED TENNYSON. Alfred Tennyson. By Andrew Lang. (W. Blackwood and Sons. 2s. 6d.)—This book, if its purpose be to make people who are not " literary " read and like the poetry......
Old Shropshire Houses.
Shropshire Houses, Past and Present. Illustrated from Draw- ings by Stanley Leighton, M.P., F.S.A., with Descriptive Letter- press by the artist. (George Bell and Sons.......
Ancient Royal Palaces In London.
Ancient Royal Palaces in and near London. Drawn in Litho- graphy by Thomas R. Way. With Notes compiled by Frederic Chapman. (John Lane. 21s.)—Mr. Way has here given us some......
Desiderio An Episode In The Renaissance. By Edmund G....
(J. M. Dent and Co. 6s.)—Mr. Gardner's Desiderio is a very beautiful piece of work. It tolls the story of two noble souls, a girl and a boy, whose lives and loves are entangled......
Monsieur Martin: A Romance Of The Great Swedish War. By
Wymond Carey. (W. Blackwood and Sons. 6s.)—In Monsieur Martin the hero, from whose name the title is formed, is the yeoman-born tutor of Countess Ebba of Polensjerna, a romantic......