As Certain Of The Great Powers Reserved To Themselves The
right to convert merchantmen into cruisers, arrangements had been made with the leading shipowners to equip a number of first-class British liners, the Admiralty paying all......
The Text Of Mr. Mckenna's Bill For Preventing The Successful
practice of the hunger strike by suffragist prisoners was published in the papers of Thursday. It provides for the temporary release for a fixed period of a prisoner who is......
The Large Number Of Items Of News This Week Will
only allow us to notice the great American floods very shortly. We regret to say that there seems only too much reason to fear, in the words of the message sent by the Times......
Bank Rate, 5 Per Cent., Changed From 4 Per Cent.
October 17th. Consols (2i) were on Thursday 741—Friday week 73i.......
Last Sunday The Conference Of The Independent Labour...
Manchester was temporarily brought to a standstill by the interruptions of suffragettes. The more earnestly Mr. Keir Hardie avowed that he would have nothing to do with a......
We Greatly Regret To Record The Death On Tuesday Of
Lord Wolseley in his eightieth year. We need not reproduce here a list of his numerous campaigns. His -Ashanti campaign in 1873, his Egyptian campaign in 1882, which included......
The Dean Of Durham Sends A Powerful And Convincing Letter
on the Divinity Degrees to Tuesday's Times. He explodes the unsound arguments of those who object to the change as leading to scandal. "To my thinking a morally debased D.D. is......