Girls In Canada.
[To THE EDITOR 01 THE “BrEcrAma.”] Sis s —In a most interesting article on daughters in the .Speetafer of February let, the writer winds up with what is almost a veiled threat......
Civil Servants In India.
[To THE EDITOE OF THE " BrxcrAToft. " ] SIR, — I have only to-day happened to notice the pleasank letter of "A. F." in your issue of March 8th controverting my letter of......
The Future Of Parliament.
[To THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR, — I have waited for the quiet of Eastertide to express the dismay with which I read that the Government designs to abolish every vestige......
The " Landsgemeinde" At Berne.
[To TEE EDITOR OF THE "SPECT.ITOE."] Sfa,—Many of your readers sympathize, I know, with the efforts the Swiss are making to preserve their country from the invasion by the......
A Non-repealed Law For National Military Training.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOE."] SIR, — In your issue of March 15th, in a review of the lately published "Windham Papers," there is the following passage :— "He (Windham)......