29 MARCH 1986, page 5

Eye Trouble

P RIVATE EYE is so Useful in the expo- sure of crooks, both political and financial, that the trouble attending the resignation of Richard Ingrains, the editor for the last......

The Spectator

STILL UNBROKEN MOULD r Sherlock Holmes, whose remarks on the Fulham by-election are reported, exclusively, by the Spectator's political correspondent on page six, has said the......

Accident Prone

WE DID not so soon expect, after the signing of the Anglo-Irish Agreement, that Dublin would begin to describe the British Government as 'incompetent'. But after the Glenholmes......

Libyan Lesson

`US WAR Jets Hit Libya' (Daily Tele- graph). 'US jet attack on Libyan missile base' (Times). 'US attacks Libyan patrol boat and missile base' (Financial Times). The headline is......