Wild Jurymen
Sir: John Mortimer (Diary, 15 March) trots o ut that old tag from Blackstone about the jury being the palladium of English liber- ties: but the jury which Blackstone com- mended......
Brave Czechs
Sir: Richard Bassett (`Waldheim and the N azis', 15 March) is unwise to drag in the Czechs in order to denigrate Waldheim. Whether or not his family was once Waz- lavek......
Universal Boredom
Sir: I was surprised that only one person fell asleep during the performance Peter Ackroyd attended of Kurosawa's Ran (Cinema, 15 March). When I saw the film here in Tokyo last......
The Spectator
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Victor Of The Gay Hussar
Sir: A footnote to your excellent profile of Victor Sassie (15 March). When he opened the Gay Hussar in 1953 I was living and working round the corner, in Soho Square. I must......
Macaulay And Croker
Sir: The charge, first made by Gladstone and most recently by Paul Johnson (The press, 4 January, and Letters, 15 February) that Macaulay's review of Croker's Boswell was an act......
Brides And Mantraps
Sir: Certainly our ancestors would have been puzzled at our indignation over the appearance of a 12-year-old Iranian bride in Britain (Leader page, 15 March). They would have......
Letters Roosevelt
Sir: Jeff Ferry's letter (8 March) about Franklin Roosevelt made very curious reading indeed. Roosevelt, contrary to myth, was a fiscal conservative through and through. Only in......