29 OCTOBER 1977, page 17

The Meaning Of Love

Sir: Leo Abse (22 October) has misunderstood Christian teaching about love when he asserts that 'not all men are worthy of love, and it is an affectation to claim that they......

The 'shadow'

Sir: If Christopher Booker wishes to use Jungian terms, he should try to use them Correctly. In his review of John Fowles's two b ooks (15 October) he claims that the shadow'......

Forest Of Dean

Sir: As one who began a student career many years ago in forestry, it saddens me to have to answer Mr Troup's letter (8 October) relating to the Forest of Dean. I know and......

Electoral Reform

Sir: You warn of the danger of electing a Labour government to a further term of office (leading article, 15 October) but in order to carry conviction your warning should be......

Horrors Of Divorce

Sir: Like Jeffrey Bernard (15 October) I too have been forcibly put through the divorce wringer and could easily top his horror stories by some of my own. When I contested the......