Horrors Of Divorce
Sir: Like Jeffrey Bernard (15 October) I too have been forcibly put through the divorce wringer and could easily top his horror stories by some of my own. When I contested the......
The Finlay Show
Sir: With regard to my recent review of Ian Hamilton Finlay's exhibition at the Serpentine Gallery I should like to apologise for two errors of fact which he has kindly brought......
Sir: Thank you for printing Dr Conor Cruise O'Brien's address to the BritishIrish Association (1 October). It made fascinating reading, though it must have been tiring to listen......
Maria Callas
Sir: 'Sempre libera. . .in Act 2' of La Traviata! Mr Reichardt (Letters, 22 October) must do better than that before taking me to task. Robert Skidelsky 18 Abinger Road, London......
Sir: I am planning a book the sub-title of which will be 'An investigation into royalty as an industry'. It will be about people, world-wide, who have gained fame, fortune, or......
Sir: Rather than take up an inordinate amount of your space by replying to Auberon Waugh's thoughtful and helpful letter, I will state my position, regarding the Arts Council,......
Sir: I am working on a book on the British Disarmament Movement, a section of which is concerned• with the subsequent activities of CND and Committee of 100 supporters. I would......
Less Than The Truth
Sir: I am compiling a collection of Excuses, sub-titled Lies,Evasions & Deceits, to be published by Blond and Briggs. Any suggestions would be most gratefully received,......
The Two Who Made It
Sir: Mr Pendlebury in his letter of 15 October has fallen into a common error. Besides Caleb and Joshua, Aaron's son Eleazar at least also entered the Promised Land, see Joshua......
Sir: Last week I received at first the Spectator. Your student-seller told me it was a magazine for opticians and if it was not that what I expected, I could return that......