2 APRIL 1887, page 1

News Of The Week.

N 0=HG has been reported this week which in the least clears up the prospect as to the continuance of peace. The -reports of outbreaks in Bulgaria are incessant, but they are......

The Debate On Urgency Was Concluded Yesterday Week, The...

Party being advised by Mr. Gladstone not to prolong it, as they were most anxious to do. Sir Henry James made a brilliant speech in favour of urgency, remarking that as you......

A Second Attempt Has Been Made By The Nihilists To

assas- sinate the Czar. It was denied, of course, as usual; but according to the latest advices from Berlin, it was actually made, an officer having fired at the Czar while......

It Is Asserted That King Charles Of Roumania, Who Is

visiting Vienna, has asked the Austrian Court for a distinct guarantee of his dominions in the event of their invasion by a Russian Army. He has been assured that this is......

The Contest Between M. Katkoff; The Editor Of The Moscow

Gazette, and the Russian Foreign Office, excites great attention in Germany. M. Katkoff had severely attacked communiqua from M. de Giers favourable to Germany, declaring, as we......

*.* The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript, Is...


The Situation In Bulgaria, It Seems Clear, Does Not Improve.

The Regents are hampered by want of money, and by the neoeasity of incessant watchfulness against plots. The Russian Government has a party in the country, especially among the......

On Monday, Accordingly, Mr. Balfour Moved For Leave To...

his Bill for the amendment of the Criminal Law in Ireland,—under interruptions from the Home-rule Party so perpetual and so rude in character, that the Speaker declared himself......