The Reporters At This Dinner, Though They Have Treated Lord
Hartington fairly, have done little justice to Mr. Finlay, who expressed his full intention of supporting the Crimes Bill with the exception of one clause (that for trying......
Mr. Morley Presided At The Meeting Of The Liberal Union
held at the Memorial Hall, Farringdon Street, on Wednesday, and delivered a strong speech against the Criminal Law Amendment Bill. He was severe on those whom he termed -" the......
Lord Halsbury On Thursday Brought Forward His Bill For...
the transfer of laud. It is a bold Bill. The Tory Lord Chancellor abolishes primogeniture; makes the real estate of an intestate personalty ; sweeps away all local customary......
The First Of The Remedial Bills For Ireland Promised By
the Government was introduced in the House of Lords on Thurs- day by Lord Cadogan, in a speech which makes us wish his Lordship intervened more frequently in debate. It was a......
Bank Rate, 3 Per Cent.
Consols were on Friday 102 to 102k.......
The Society For The Abolition Of Vivisection Held A Very
successful meeting on Wednesday, the chief business of which was to protest against the proposal of the "round-robin " lately addressed to the College of Surgeons, advocating......
The Inaugural Dinner Of The Liberal Union Club Was Given
on Wednesday, and Lord Hartington delivered an important speech. He announced the failure of the Round-Table Con- ference—the causes of which he apparently knew, but held him-......