Flowers For Friedenheim.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR21 SIR,—Five years ago, through your kindness and the liberality of your readers, the empty conservatory at Friedenheim, the Home of Peace for......
Letters To Tile Editor.
SECRET COMMISSIONS. [To THE EDITOR OF THE "SFECTATOR."] Sin,—Your advertisement pages of last Saturday bear evidence of how widespread is the habit of paying commis- sions which......
Education And Civilisation.
[TO 7'HE EDITOR OE THE "SPECI'ATOIC.'] SIR,—A few years ago, when I was staying in Sussex, I hap- pened to hear Mrs. Smith, who was at once the village postmistress and the......
M R. E. STEWART, in a paper on crocodile-shooting in India, contributes much interesting information as to the numbers and habits of these creatures to the Contemporary Review......