Flowers For Friedenheim.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR21 SIR,—Five years ago, through your kindness and the liberality of your readers, the empty conservatory at Friedenheim, the Home of Peace for......
Max Muller's Recollections.
[To THE EDITOR OP TEE SPEOTATOIL."] SIR,—I venture to call your attention to a misquotation and a mistranslation from Goethe in your interesting review of Professor Max......
Mr. Zangwill.
[To TEE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR:9 SIR,—In an article on Mr. Zangwill's "Dreamers of the Ghetto" in the Spectator of March 26th, you say that he does not give "any thread of......
The Rev. H. 0. Coxe.
[To TRX EDITOX OF TIM " EIPXOTATOX.") SIR,—For love of Mr. H. 0. Coxe I should like to be allowed to correct the inadequate version given in the Spectator of March 26th of the......