The Nonconformists And The Education Bill. [to The Editor Of
1115 " SPEOTALT011."] Sin,—You perhaps rightly attribute a part of the Nonconfor - mist opposition to the Government Education Bill to a sense of past injustice at the bands of......
Ireland And The Holidays.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIB,,—AS the holiday season is commencing, I venture to ask, on public-spirited grounds, the favour of your space to mention Ireland. Many......
Achill Islanders.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR." j SIE,—Dr. Wynne's letter in the Spectator of July 19th is so admirable and truthful that I would emphatically endorse it. The inhabitants of......
Matthew Arnold And Charles Dickens.
[TO THE EDITOR OF TILE "SPECTATOR:1 Sin,—Perhaps you may think it worth while to publish the following facts as a pendant to some remarks in the Spectator of July 26th and by......
Civilian Guides.
[TO Tall EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Sui,—The Spectator of July 26th has an interesting paper on this subject, and it would be well to remember that Napoleon long checked the......