The Undecorated Hero.
(TO Tits EDITOR OM THE "SPECTATOR.") feel sure that a large proportion of your readers will agree with me in regretting that the bravery of Captain Freeman, of s.s. ' Roddam,'......
The Recent Gale.
[To TEE EDITOR OP TEE "13PECTATOR."1 SIB,—The severe gale of Saturday, July 26th, which did such damage at Cologne and elsewhere, was here in Cambridge laden with an......
Splendid Mourning.
[To TEE EDITOR OP THE "SPEOTATOR.1 SIR,—Whatever may be said of the accuracy of the two English renderings of Madame de Staers words, quoted by "H. C. B." in the Spectator of......
Australia's Naval Aspiration. (to Tee Editor Of The...
SIR,—It is a ridiculous fallacy to hold that, because Australia seeks to develop her naval capacity and to provide ships and train men, she thereby declares herself to be......
Canada's Postal Grievance.
[To THE EDITOR OP THE u.SPEOTATOR.") Sin,—The recent refusal of the Home Government to reduce the rate of postage on newspapers and periodicals carried within the Empire has......