2 AUGUST 1969, page 25

The Dragon's Tongue

Sir: Having now done with terminal reports et hoc genus omne for a season. may I com- ment, belatedly, on the replies (12 July) to my letter on Welsh mutations? Mr Hand's......

New Hope For Biafra?

Sir: It is very easy indeed to answer Mr E. S. James (Letters, 12 July) when he asks if apologists for 'One Nigeria' can say why the l.agos regime refuses to agree to a......

The Yahoo Effect

Sir: I think that the Rev J. Stanton Jeans (Letters, 19 July) may have misread me; I am entirely against the 'Series 2' Com- munion, and for his squares. More power to his......

No Final Solution

Sir: In Quintin Hogg's article on race rela- tions (19 July) there occurs what is to me, at any rate, a rather remarkable sentence: '1 feared the irrational in human nature even......


From Sam Wiggs, A. E. Dyson, H. T. Cook, Roger Franklin, lobo Davies, L. E. Weld- berg, David Olajide, John Russell and Suzi Gahlik, Kennedy Wells, Roy Walker, Simon Garrett, J.......

Success Story

Sir: Surely John Graham (26 July) shows a peculiar naivety in his article on America's Apollo 11 flight. In his opinion the expense is justified by what he believes to be the......