Dark And Obn.ubilated Affairs
Sir: Please tell Mercurius Oxoniensis that to write, as he did in his Oxford letter (26 July), that the late Dean of Christ Church was 'born in Prince Edward Island, Nova......
New Hope For Biafra?
Sir: It is very easy indeed to answer Mr E. S. James (Letters, 12 July) when he asks if apologists for 'One Nigeria' can say why the l.agos regime refuses to agree to a......
Bbc And The Public Interest
Sir: Just before the BBC commits itself to an attempt to burn down the national Maltings, will you be so good as to allow us to inform your readers where the mush- rooming......
Train Of Thought
Sir: Thoughts on sitting too long in a first class railway carriage on the Southern Region. There is only one omission In the shape of things to come: We need a Royal Commission......
Dancers Inherit The Party
Sir: I wish publicly to warn would-be pur- chasers of a volume of poems, The Dancers Inherit The Party, issued under my name by Fulcrum Press, that it consists largely of poems......
Sick Of The Sick Society
Sir: Mr Howard Robertson (Letters, 5 July) writes of John Rowan Wilson's article, `. . . how can he just dismiss them [Britain's former colonial subjects] as dirty and unwashed......
Les Enfants Du Parody
Sir: The fifty thousand people who listened on 9 July to The Arts This Week on the Third Programme were presented by Mr Bryan Robertson with a most enthusiastic account of the......
Bonn Diary
Sir: I was amused at Malcolm Rutherford's repetition of the old FO joke about J. H. Thomas (28 June). It reminded me of the splendid joke cracked by Beachcomber about Thomas......
Tooth Truth
Sir: As an experienced medical type, keenly concerned about dental caries in children, and also as a citizen concerned about individual liberty, I have carefully read the......