The Irish Problem.
[To THE EDITOR Or THE " SPEOILTOR."] Snr,—All parties seem anxious for an Irish settlement, and np to the present none has been found. There has been much talk about the madness......
Shakespeare And The Atonement.
[To ins EDITOR Of THE " SPECIATOR."i Sta,—Your correspondent in the last issue of the Spectator quote. a passage from Measure for Measure, Act II., Scene ii., as pointing to the......
"our Daily Bread."
[To THE EDITOE of 7211 " SPECTATOR."i Sta.—Considering that bread is now not only the staff of life, but is becoming also the staff of thought, and about the one topic of......
America And Germany.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR.") Sus,—Of course we demand nothing from the great Republic across the Atlantic but the most scrupulous neutrality. But those of us who have......
"a Student In Arms."
Tar leading article in the Spectator on the death of Lieutenant Hankey and his article " Don't Worry " have been republished as a leaflet by Messrs. W. Speaight and Sons, 98-99......
An Old Thought.
[To THE EDITOE Of THE " SPECTATOE."i Sur,—In your issue of the 18th inst. Lord Cromer began his excellent article or review of a book by remarking that it is very difficult for......
The Scottish Women's Serbian Hospital Fund.
WE have received the following additional subscription. to the above Fund :— £ a. d. Previously acknowledged • -• .. 171 6 6 Miss A. Richardson „ • • .. 10 10 0 Miss Hoyle 4.......