Ferdinand Of Bulgaria.
[To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR.") Bra,—In view of the smart echec which the above-mentioned gentleman ' s ambitions have experienced by the loss of Monastir, it occurred to......
" Kingdom Of Poland."
(To THE EDITOR OP MS "SPECTATOR.") ere, — Are the Germanio Empires on the road, unconsciously of eourse, to become fulfillers of prophecy—of a sinister kind for them? "Kingdom......
[to The Editor Op Thy " Spectator.") Sue—with Reference To
the letter of the Head-Master of the Persse School in your issue of November 11th, may I—with all deference to him—say that I, for one, rejoice at the prospect of the abolition......
The Sydney' And The
A DUEL to the death between two ships of war always captures IAA_ the imagination relatively more than an affair on a much larger scale between many ships. One need not look far......
" Ton For Ton. "
[To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR.") Sxn, — Excellent Punch is asking for the moon. Germany does not possess two tons for one. According to Lloyd's Register of Shipping for......
Compulsory Greek.
[To VIZ EDITOR OP TIII " SPECTATOR.") Sri,—The Master of University's reply to Dr. Rouse may deserve your epithet of " crushing," but I am not sure who will be crushed by it. It......