2 JUNE 1939, page 38

Financial Notes Rubber Barter Plans

WITH the United States pressing hard for a large - scale barter deal of rubber against cotton, and with rumours, obvi- ously premature, circulating to the effect that a deal has......

Edmundsons' Continued Prosperity

Further substantial progress during the first four months of i939 was recorded in the speech which Sir Thomas Royden, the chairman of Edmundsons Electricity Corporation, made at......

John Brown's Record Profits John Brown And Company, The...

and steel manu- facturers, achieved a new record in profits for the year ended March 31, a year which included the worst phases of the recession in the industries in which the......

Company Meeting

HAMBROS BANK THE CENTENARY YEAR THE 27th annual ordinary general meeting of Hambros Bank, Ltd., was held on May 25th, at the offices of the bank, 41, Bishopsgate, E.C., Mr. R.......

Hambros' Cautious Policy

The extreme caution with which Mr. R. Olaf Hambro approached general topics at last week's meeting of Hambros Bank prevented him from saying anything about the effects of the......