The Vehemence Of The Conservative Women (better, Per-...
whose insistence, at a recent conference, on the retention of flogging in our penal code was so eloquent and so impassioned, is apparently infectious. Or perhaps that is doing......
Those Of Us Who Saw Shayes Banging In His Volleys
erratically but effectively against Destremau at Wimbledon on Saturday were gratified to think he would be banging them in against Germany at Berlin a week later. Without Austin......
A Spectator's Notebook
T HERE is better news of the progress of French aeroplane production. It is still not comparable with our own— the highest estimate I have heard is 25o machines a month— but the......
News From America
O F all the countries in the world with which we would wish our relations to be unclouded the United States of America would, by the verdict of most Britons, be placed first. We......
Some Oxford Men May Be Inclined To Question The Award
of an honorary D.Litt. degree to Mr. P. G. Wodehouse, but one eminent son of Oxford would have wholeheartedly applauded it. Mr. Wodehouse had no more fervent admirer than the......
There Exists In Berlin An Organisation Known As The...
Auslander Dienst, translated (by itself) as " the Welcome to Germany Service." It is prepared to give information and advice to inquirers on any question—a very useful office to......
To Acquire Knowledge Of The Country Of Mr. Belloc (and
others) from the paper of Mr. Gandhi is a pleasant -nd un- expected experience. Harijan, the Mahatma's weekly journal, published at Poona in the interests of the oppressed......
We Are Not Doing What We Should About William Shake-
speare. Russia is ; and Russians are astonished at our apathy. They have been inquiring of their English friends (not British ; this is not Scotland's business) what we are......